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Frequently Asked Questions

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(External) Links:
Church Handbook of Instruction
 ...a mirror site is HERE

Can women hold the LDS priesthood?
No.  But only in that respect are our women like the Taliban's.

"When our leaders speak, the THINKING has been done."

Can you help me with Family History
(or genealogy) research?

Yes.  We have the best genealogical research facilities on earth! Anyone can do research there and it's free.

Can You Write My Paper for Me?
We can do even more for you!  We'll pray for your research paper.

What does LDS stand for?
LDS stands for 'Latter-day Saint,' a nicknamed preferred by Mormons.

Can You Help Me Locate a Latter-day Saint Friend?
If you are trying to locate a Latter-day Saint, please call 1-800-453-3860 and ask for the Locating Service in the Membership Department.

What about the secret handshakes?
They, too are no longer secret because  of non-Mormons or Infidels.  They are merely sacred now. Click here to see the formerly secret handclasps.

What is 'Mormonism'?
Members of The Church of  Latter-day Saints  of Jesus Christ were nicknamed 'Mormons'. Mormon is a character from the BOM.  He now resides on the planet Kolob.  In 2001, the use of the word Mormon was forbidden by our prophet.  Please substitute 'LDSism' whenever formerly  you would have used the word Mormonism.

What is the Book of Mormon?
The Book of Mormon is a volume of sacred writings comparable to the Bible. Its principal purpose is to testify of the divinity of Jesus Christ and the truthfulness of his teachings.

What about the secret Temple Ceremonies?
They are no longer secret because non-Mormons or Infidels have infiltrated the secret rites and have published them.  They are merely sacred now. Click here to read the formerly secret temple ceremonies.


Are Mormons Christian?
 We try to act as if we were Christians, but our beliefs are in may cases opposite of those of Christianity.   For example, we hold the cornerstone of Christianity, that or Original Sin, to be a false doctrine.  We have a polytheistic religion.  We believe that 'words without end' exist, and each is governed by one or its own Gods (and devils, too:)  We believe that the normal Christian trinity -- of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are a false concept.  Instead, we combine Jesus Christ and Jehovah as one person.  Additionally we have a god called The Heavenly Father.  We do not pray to the Holy Virgin.  Instead we revere Heavenly Father's number one wife.  We do NOT pray to her.  Mormons do not memorize the Lord's prayer.  Like the Christians, our mission on earth is to return to the place in outer space, where our Gods live.  That place is called Kolob.

Do Latter-day Saints Believe in the Bible and Christianity?
The honest answer would be "No".  We believe that the bible is true as far as it has been translated correctly.  We believe this is true of everything, even of THIS web site, of course.  We will often say
that we accept and honor the Bible as the word of God.  And we tell our missionaries to say that.  But we believe that meaning is of minor importance, especially when explaining elements of TRUTH.

Why do Latter-day Saints Try to Convert Others?
To be honest, we do it because we believe it's good for them --  we feel a responsibility to make the message of the restoration of Christ’s Church available to all who will hear.  Frankly, this is also good for the church leadership, because we expect converts to pay 10% of their income to the church -- before taxes, and for as long as they live.  In return, we promise salvation and resurrection.  Only a fool would have a false religion.

What Do Latter-day Saints Believe About God?
We're with the Bible on that one.  Specifically
Gen. iii:21 is a tailor and clothier
Ex. vi:4 is a baker
Ex. xxxii:14 changes his mind
Prov. xxvi:10 rewards transgressors
Jer. iv:19 is troubled in his bowels and his heart and makes a noise
Amos. vii:7 he stands on a wall with a plumbline
Like our brothers, the Christians the Church believes in jealous gods of love, who have all knowledge and all power (see 1 Nephi 11:22; 2 Nephi 1:15; 2 Nephi 9:20; D&C 38:1-3; Moses 1:6; 1 Nephi 7:12; Alma 26:35).

How Many Members Do You Have?
We are a very fast-growing business, because of our successful missionary work world wide.  We have temples just about every place on earth, except for Africa where we have perhaps one or two.  In Africa, we like the country of South Africa the best.  (Load this world map of our Temple locations)

Are Mormons Aliens?
 Yes, but we try to act as if we're not.  The fact is, we were once space beings from the Planet Kolob (Constellation Cancer, sector 1328) .It's our plan of salvation to return to that heavenly orb, after death.  Joseph Smith, our first prophet, teaches of Kolob and of other planets.  They are named Planet Oliblish and Planet Enish-go-on-dosh.  See also our Kolob Hymn.

Do Mormons believe in the Trinity?
If by 'the doctrine of the Trinity' one means the New Testament claim that there is a Father, a Son, and a Holy Ghost, all three of whom are fully divine, then Latter-day Saints believe in the doctrine of the Trinity.  If by 'Trinity' one means something else -- perhaps the traditional Christian view, then the answer must be "No".  We believe in so many trinities and devils -- on alien planets --that it would be difficult to explain all that here.  We don't believe in the transubstantiation either.  In fact, we know that is false, for sure!  Nevertheless, may foolish Christians swallow that line, hook and sinker.

Who was Joseph Smith?
Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844), often referred to as the Inventor of Mormonism. In his youth, Smith enjoyed treasure digging.  He found a Golden Bible.  He found the Golden Plates.  He found The Copper Plates.  He also found a translating device, which he used to translate the Golden Plates into English.  He also purchased some ancient Egyptian funerary documents and translated them.  This opus became the Book of Abraham (BOA), which states many of the basic beliefs of Mormonism.  The BOA and the BOM are the foundation of the LDS church, but there are others, also.  The Bible is true as far as it has been translated correctly.

How Do I Join the Church?
If you would like to have LDS missionaries visit you in your home, please call (U.S.) 1-800-453-3860 and ask for the Missionary Department. An easier and cheaper way to join is to do nothing.  After you die, we'll baptize you posthumously.  We do this for everybody --including Attila the Hun, Adolf Hitler; we even baptize dead Jews -- See news articles.

Why Should I Convert?
We alone offer all the knowledge necessary to become like Christ and receive the 'fullness' of salvation.  We believe that only a fool would have a false religion.  You too, should be a saint -- a superior, holy person -- like us.

Can Blacks hold the LDS priesthood?
Not until recently. Blacks are the descendents of Cain (the evil brother from the Bible).  Not  many Blacks seem to have the desire to join.

What are some distinctive LDS teachings?

We believe  

  ... the trinity is wrong.  Jehovah and Jesus , traditionally father and son, are the same person.
  ... in heaven men will have many wives.
  ... all Dead people must be baptized -- even evil people like Adolf Hitler, for example.  This is why we have the world's largest and most complete genealogical facilities.

... scientists are wrong, when they say that the Spaniards brought the horses to the Americas.  We believe that the Indians had horsed before contact with the with Spanish Conquistadors.  And cows, elephants, and iron and steel and many other tings that are not in the archeological record. See Ancient Steel Mills in the Americas.
... the Bible is false, except the parts that have been translated correctly.
...Joseph Smith could read Egyptian hieroglyphics.

pre-Columbian coin

... women are 'precious vessels'.
  ... homosexuality is evil.  Masturbation is evil.
  ... Jesus appeared to South American Indians, after his resurrection, disguised as a green snake sporting orange feathers.
  ... the planet Kolob is where god lives, or nearby.  We believe the Planet Kolob (heaven), to which we will all return may not be a planet, but a hot (or cold) star, or something else.

... the Garden of Eden was near Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, but the correct name is Adam-ondi-Ahman.
... three immortal people, the 3 Nep3nephites.htmhites walk the earth today and have been amongst us for centuries.
... Jews first settled the new world and then were turned into Indians.  These Jews used a device similar to a GPS system.
... that meaning is not very important.  Faith is extremely important.
... in the Latter days -- The Millennium -- blood will flow in the streets.  We used to believe that this millennium would happen in the year 2000.  Now, the 'Latter Days' have been rescheduled for the year 3000.

A Nephite

... in Heaven the streets are made of gold and the women are perfect and especially beautiful.

Why do Mormons believe these distinctive LDS teachings?
We believe them because we have faith.  Joseph Smith taught many of these things doctrines.

Do Mormons worship Joseph Smith?
No, Latter-day Saints worship God the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ. We consider Joseph Smith to be a Seer, Revelator, a Prophet of God and Apostle of Jesus Christ -- similar to those men mentioned in the Bible, like Moses.

"Every man has a natural right to be a 
 false prophet, as well as a true prophet." 

--Joseph Smith, King Follett

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Do Mormons practice plural marriage?
Yes.  Although some LDS sects now forbids plural marriage, other sects of The Church still adhere to the practice.  Mormons gave up polygamy in order that Utah would be given Statehood.  (Blood atonement is another practice which is espoused by some LDS sects and not by others).  As Faithful members of the Church of Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ, we believe in preparing now, on earth, for polygamy in heaven.  Instead of marrying multiple wives on earth, we can be  'sealed' to many wives.  Not all mormon men practice this sealing, but it is quite common, especially amongst Mormon bishops. 'Cancellation of sealing', in temple marriages, is the Mormon equivalent of divorce.  During the nineteenth-century, LDS men were allowed to marry more than one wife if they could afford it.  Joseph Smith had 27 wives, and Brigham Young had about 53 wives.  Some, Young married 'for time' and others he married 'for time and eternity'.  Mormon Scholars disagree over exactly how many wives Brigham Young had.

Why are mormon women given secret names?
Our wives are given secret names so a husband will be able to call his wives, in heaven.  The name assignment is done in our Temple. Every woman in each batch, is given the same secret name, on a given day.

Why is a Temple Recommend necessary to enter the temple?
Before a person can enter the temple, he must have developed a certain degree of spiritual maturity, as evidenced by issuance of a Temple Recommend.  However, strictly speaking, a Temple Recommend is not necessary.  For unworthy people, the temple doors will simple not open.  Neither is it required to stow one's clothing in temple lockers -- under lock  and key, in order to perform the temple rites.  Only worth and honest people can enter the temple, and theft  within it's sacred walls is not possible.  The locks and leys are provided for only so that you can remember  where you hung your pants.

 Everything on these pages is told in greater detail.

Christians may find this very disturbing. All will understand Mormonism.


The God Makers
by Ed Decker, Dave Hunt

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What is the role of women in Mormon society?
The main function is women is to have babies -- on earth as well as in heaven.  That's why we call women 'Precious Vessels'.

Is the Mormon faith true?
Yes.  There is no reason to doubt our prophets, seers and revelators.  There is no reason to think that everyone we have loved since childhood has lied to us about thing that are so important.  (Science is true also, as far as it coincides correctly with our faith).

Do Latter-day Saints date outside the faith?
Not really.  It's frowned upon.  While Latter-day Saints have the right to choose for themselves, the Church encourages members to avoid dating nonmembers.

Do Mormons celebrate holy days and birthdays?
Yes, Latter-day Saints celebrate all holidays associated with any particular culture.

Do Mormons believe in the virgin birth?
Yes, Latter-day Saints believe that Mary, mother of Jesus Christ and of Jehovah, was a virgin at the time of their conception.

Are Church leaders considered infallible and free from error?
No, Church leaders are neither infallible nor without faults. Latter-day Saints believe that only Jesus Christ was perfect.  However, "When our leaders speak, the THINKING has been done."

Why don't Mormons have crosses on their temples?
For the same reason that Buddhists don't have crosses in their temples.

Do Mormons wear special undergarments?
Yes. Latter-day Saints, who have 'been to the temple', wear sacred garments (see picture) under their regular clothing to protect them from physical harm and to  remind them of the sacred covenants that they have made with a god, in case they might forget.  The garments have special patches sown onto them, at strategic location, which contain meaning to the initiates.  Nevertheless, meaning is not of prime importance in our faith.

Do Mormons believe that God is married?
Yes. Latter-day Saints infer from authoritative sources of scripture and modern prophecy that there is a Heavenly Mother whose name is Mother Gonhorra -- as well as a Heavenly Father.  In fact, Heavenly Father is a polygamist, whose wives' primary function is to have more babies.  (Heavenly Father is not to be confused with Jesus or with Jehovah;  Mormonism has its Heavenly Father, Christianity does not.)

What is the LDS conception of Hell?
Latter-day scriptures describe at least three senses of hell: (1) that condition of misery which may attend a person in mortality due to disobedience to divine law; (2) the miserable, but temporary, state of disobedient spirits in the spirit world awaiting the resurrection; (3) the permanent habitation of the sons of perdition, who suffer the second spiritual death and remain in hell even after the resurrection. Encyclopedia of Mormonism.

What actions do LDS missionaries take if in later life they (falsely) discover that Mormonism is a lie?
It is common that missionaries look up those people whom they have converted and tell them of their abandonment of religious faith.

What is meant by "The Land of Moron"?
The land of Moron is a kingdom founded by the Jaredites, in the BOM.  Moron is eventually deposed.   Moron, a Jaredite,  "Did that which was wicked before the Lord." (Ether 11:14)  Moron lost half his kingdom in a rebellion, and after many years won it back again (Ether 11:15-16).  And it came to pass that he did overthrow Moron and obtain the kingdom" (Ether 11:17- 18). Moron lived in captivity the remainder of his days.

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