The Lingua Franca of Heaven!  The meaning of...

praying_hands1.jpg (5670 bytes)  Faith:   
The idea that something can be made true, merely by wishing it to be so.
2.  The proposition that something is true, even if there is no evidence to support it..
3.  The belief  that something is true, in spite of evidence to the contrary.

"Faith is something you believe that nobody in his right mind would believe."
-- Archie Bunker


All religions are based on faith.
Even opposing religions are based on faith.
If faith can lead to false beliefs, what value can there be in faith?

(Only a fool would have a false religion.)

The Holy Qur'an: Text,
Translation & Commentary

Abdullah Yusuf Ali (Editor)

Holy Bible:
King James Version:
Standard Text Edition

 Holy Bible on

The God Makers
by Ed Decker, Dave Hunt

Ken's Guide to the Bible
 by Ken Smith
With precision and pig-
iron wit, this compact
volume lays bare all the
sex, gore, and lunacy
that the Bible has to offer.

Faith is blind
New 'miracle' counters vision loss

Have you ever wondered... What  would it be like to speak another language?
THIS is your answer ADAMIC is the language spoken in Heaven.

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