Polygamy ~

As you probably know, Polygamy was practically invented* by the Mormon Prophet, Seer and Revelator, Joseph Smith. Though officially illegal, it is still practiced in Utah.  Many LDS men prepare for polygamy by being "sealed" to more than one woman.

From my window, off in the distance, I can see the houses of polygamists. They often have more than one house so they will have enough room. 


"...If any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and the first give her consent, and if he espouse the second, and they are virgins, and have vowed to no other man, then is he justified; he cannot commit adultery... And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery... therefore is he justified."

 -Joseph Smith
Doctrine and Covenants (# 61-62)

Utah schools have one of the lowest ratios of teacher to child.
Utah has the highest per capita sugar consumption in the US.
Utah has the highest incidence of Child abuse in the US. 
In some polygamist towns up to one third of the families get welfare from taxpayer money.

*A better explanation

utah-polygamy_1.gif (3381 bytes)Mary Potter with
 daughter Elizabeth,
defends polygamy.
utah-polygamy_3.gif (3808 bytes)Vicky Prunty and
Carmen Thompson

left polygamy.
Polygamy on Kolob (A footnote)
Ex-wives of Polygamy support, services.
Moroni Web Site the real poop!
Critical Thinking: Mormonism-books


Andrea Moore Emmett
spoke at the American
Atheists regional meeting
in Denver, Nov 10, 2001.
  utah-polygamy_4.gif (2923 bytes)A 16-year-old girl was 15th wife
of David O. Kingston, with
knowledge of her  father.
H.L. Mencken: Graveyard of dead gods
The new battle is one against atheism
A Conversation



"To comply with the request of our enemies, would be to give up all hope
of ever entering into the glory of God, the Father, and Jesus Christ, the son.
So intently interwoven is this precious doctrine with the exaltation of men
and women in the great hereafter that it cannot be given up without giving
up at the same time all hope of immortal glory."

~~George Q. Cannon, counselor of the Mormon First Presidency,
proclaimed, 1885.


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