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Stereograms are for staring. Also sometimes known as Stare-o-grams. Stereograms are a type of random dot image that tricks the eye so that it sees a 3D image. The dots need not be just dots... they can be replaced with small images. It's the arrangement of these points of attention that the brain tries to make meaningful.

Click here to get an easy-to-see Stereograms made of these small images.

Here is another neat example; you may have noticed it before.

... and This one is one of my favorites. And this one is a great idea , I think, but for me it's difficult. Sometimes it 'comes in' properly and sometimes it doesn't!   Here is a classic [off-site].

Stereograms are not like the familiar pictures one views with 3D viewers or with 3D glasses. The image one perceive by staring at them is generated when the brain tries to make sense of the patterns.

Also, Stereograms are not like these... after you click here, cross your eyes slightly & wait for the middle picture to form... { I LOVE you}

Cross your eyes to see this one ,  it's not too difficult...
cross your eyes to see this one! , it's easy and really neat.  This is a nanotechnology differential gear made of just a bunch of atoms.  (It's not real -- yet, but it will be.  Here is a larger version.  It's at this a web site which is about nanotechnology:
s/.  And here and here is more!  Check it out, come back, you hear?)

Another way to see 3-D from a flat surface is for the surface to somehow reconstruct the wave front of light that the real object would reflect if it were present. White light HOLOGRAMS can do this. This one was scanned in with an ordinary scanner, frame and all. (Of course you can't get the three dimensional effect on your screen, but this gives you some idea of what it looks like. In the original hologram, when you move your head from side to side, you can see somewhat AROUND the 'object' just as happens in real life -- as if the object were there.)




Find out more

Voigtlander Stereflekscop

Voigtlander Stereo Camera
Stereo vision as
it pertains to art
and photography

The Art Gallery

2D, 3D, 4D? 3.7D??...More or Less D's??? ___ press here... Mandelbrot!

eyes_woman_lo.jpg (3386 bytes)



~~ Page by @Com ~~   Updated  04/06/02