Please help me to identify this pot.

It seems to be NOT turned on a wheel. It is 27 cm. tall, the mouth is about 11 cm. in diameter. When I run my fingers along the inside, I can feel SLIGHT ripples, as if it had been made of a spiral of clay sausages. The outside is smooth. Please email me if you know about these things. I am inclined to think ANASAZI, ca, 1250 AD, but Woolworth ca. 1957 would be OK. Help!

Letters I've received ANASAZI

I thank you kindly for your reply via email.

Please help me to identify this one -- it was purchased from a dealer in 1957 in Egypt. It is called a Baa. It's a human face with a bird's body.

Is it a copy from dating from the time of the Romans, or is it about 4000 years old? It (still!) smells strongly of cedar wood). Is it Woolworth? Do you think it would have been better left in situ? Do you know of a Museum that will accept this, gratis? Help, I need some opinions. (These images were scanned in from the original 3-D object (I don't have a photo handy.) Size: 9.4 cm tall.



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